
from taiga to tundra

From taiga to tundra. From dence forests, swamps and lakes to moss and rock and small bushes. What both areas connects to one another is the daily lightshow in the sky. The fall doesn’t just color the vegetation, but also the clouds and the air. It’s a pure joy to watch all that beauty.





_NOO2980Every day brings something else, and the girls are choosing the way…









One time reindeer cross our path, another time we stumble upon a pile of driftwood. Christel already has plenty of ideas to make some nice art with it, but unfortunately no possibility of taking it with us…











And you have to admit that there are uglier places to camp on the globe.


_NOO3097_NOO3273The end of August. There ’s a heatwave at home, while here the first snow starts to fall…



While we are deciding which way to go, comes the message that Christel’s dad has been taken to hospital with heart problems and had to go into surgery immediately. The world comes to a standstill. While we wait for news, we burn an incense stick on the tundra that sends all good wishes to the universe. Come on, daddie, be better soon!

